¿Es razonable rechazar la verdad de algo porque no se pueda demostrar científicamente? ¿Estás de acuerdo con Palmer en la <em><u>idea</u></em> de que la ciencia no puede dar respuesta a nuestra búsqueda del sentido a la existencia?
A finales del siglo, William Higgins y John Dalton, expusieron la <em><u>idea</u></em> de la naturaleza atómica de la materia para explicar de manera satisfactoria los resultados de las numerosas experiencias que habían llevado a cabo científicos como Antoine Lavoisier, Louis Proust, Benjamin Richter y el mismo Dalton.
People fleeing persecution and conflict have been granted asylum in foreign lands for thousands of years. The UN agency that helps refugees is UNHCR (also known as the UN Refugee Agency), which emerged in the wake of World War II to help Europeans displaced by that conflict.
1. Fernando is 30 years old
2. Lives in Columbia
3. 6:20 am
4. Likes to hit the gym on his spare time and workout after he’s done goes home and plays with his dog
5. gym
6. (Not sure if they meant gym or work?) he likes to have workouts and be active and always keep a healthy lifestyle
7. Yes a dog
You can pm me what you want to write and I could translate it for you if that works ^^