E. Recomiendo que salgas a tomar el sol
Disculpe Señor, ¿Puedo tener el "San Remo Dip" para el aperitivo y me gustaría tener Fettuccine Alfredo para la comida.
Bolsa thinks the waitress is guilty because she said she cut him
On page 14/15, after the waitress said she cut William, Bolsa said "she's the guilty one."
yo no se donde esta la cafeteria de la escuela (lmk if its wrong)
1. Write one phrase used to ask for food in a restaurant?
2. What is your best possession?
3. Where does your family cook dinner?
4. In your family, who cooks? Who sets the table? Who washes the dishes?
5. What are you doing right now?
6. If you like to be with children, where do you volunteer? Do you like helping sick people?
7. What did you give your mother or father for their birthday?
8. How do you like watching television programs, alone, with your family, or with your friends?
9. Do you have your own computer, or do u share with someone? With who? If you don’t have a computer, would you like to have one?
10. When something appears too complicated on the computer, what do you do?