He lived a life about how all the journeys connected to him
Incomplete question. I inferred you may want sample sentences on enrollment.
Here are a few examples:
- The school asked parents if they want their children <u>enrolled</u> in extra-curricular activities.
- John asked his Father if he agrees with him enrolling in an online educational program not accredited.
- Bratt was granted permission to enroll as a member of the Red Cross.
Due to people not having enough money i feel that everyone should be fee free at there lunches! School is an amazing place where kids learn but not always at homes. some people get abused and hit because of abusive parents.
Some kids need a break and not all families have the money needed to afford school lunches. in any case school's should provide full lunches to any kid that signs up. there should be no reason not to include a free lunch. every parent is already paying there taxes there should be no additional fee.
I also believe all kids even the ones that can already afford this program should be given a lunch. Many kids enjoy the school lunches and would love to have them free. some kids forget there change and or loose it. they may have left it at home or it may have been stolen.
This may sound a little crazy but i also think that each shcool should have at least one professional chef to make the kids nice meals, and so him/her can help the other chefs.
In conclusion i believe all schools in the district should have free lunches, and a pro- Chef!
The feeling in Rumpelstiltskin are dark he felt lonely at times and was so pressured when celled a monster
if you think that a type of behavior or an idea is very bad and morally wrong, you can say that it is reprehensible.