I guess the correct answer is information processing
Infοrmatiοn prοcеssing is thе changе (prοcеssing) οf infοrmatiοn in any mannеr dеtеctablе by an οbsеrvеr. As such, it is a prοcеss that dеscribеs еvеrything that happеns (changеs) in thе univеrsе, frοm thе falling οf a rοck (a changе in pοsitiοn) tο thе printing οf a tеxt filе frοm a digital cοmputеr systеm.
The scene of a human sitting at a computer terminal, responding to stimuli flashed on the computer screen, would most likely be described as depicting an information processing experiment.
The simulation, player 2 will always play according to the same strategy.
Method getPlayer2Move below is completed by assigning the correct value to result to be returned.
- You will write method getPlayer2Move, which returns the number of coins that player 2 will spend in a given round of the game. In the first round of the game, the parameter round has the value 1, in the second round of the game, it has the value 2, and so on.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
bool getplayer2move(int x, int y, int n)
int dp[n + 1];
dp[0] = false;
dp[1] = true;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
if (i - 1 >= 0 and !dp[i - 1])
dp[i] = true;
else if (i - x >= 0 and !dp[i - x])
dp[i] = true;
else if (i - y >= 0 and !dp[i - y])
dp[i] = true;
dp[i] = false;
return dp[n];
int main()
int x = 3, y = 4, n = 5;
if (findWinner(x, y, n))
cout << 'A';
cout << 'B';
return 0;
ila bgfffsg hqhffa hhfw ygga gha yqvvty1uh' fttyavt h5tfauv gtta76rq
Answer: .com — Commercial businesses.
.org — Organizations (generally charitable).
.net — Network organizations.
.gov — U.S. government agencies.
.mil — Military.
.edu — Educational facilities, like universities.