Smarty pants explanation smart
A form of government in which the ruler has total or absolute power, not limited by laws, especially when he obtains it by illegal means, and abuses it.
Alsace and Lorreine
Alsace and Lorraine is a region between France and Germany in which there are more people of German ethnicity who were taken from France by Germany in the process of unification. This fact caused a feeling of revenge between the two countries and the region only returned to France after the Versailles treaty.
The World War II played a role int he decolonization of Southeast Asia when Japan took Southeast Asian lands from Europe in the World War II. Japan made this move in order to show to the Europeans that they, Europeans were not invincible.
In 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire.