Answer: Please find below the answer along with explanation.
For a given communication channel (for instance, a LAN segment using Ethernet ) the Bandwidth refers to the theoretical maximum data rate that the channel can support, for instance, 100 Mbps in a 100Base T network.
The throughput, instead, refers to the actual data rate achieved in a given communications channel, taking into account the different channel impairments.
For instance, in a LAN segment that uses the original Ethernet 802.3 standard (CSMA/CD), a frequent occurrence of collisions can take down the actual data rate from the theoretical 100 Mbps to a very lower figure, i.e., 5 Mbps.
It helps reveal the flow of execution of your program, including results of in-between evaluations. In other words, you can see what your program is doing, and why it takes the decisions it is taking.
If something unexpected happens, the trace will show you the sequence of events that lead to it.
Here is your answer
1. pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.
2. use environmentally household products such as washing powder, household cleaning agents
3. wash your car or outdoor equipment where it can flow to a gravel or grassed area instead of a street.
4. don't throw waste at ocean it will harm the animals and create tocsin.