Probability will be 0.3428
Because probability is the preferred over total, we want the number of delegations with 2 CPA's over the number of total delegations.
We have 9 CPA's and we need to choose 2, thus the number of delegations with 2 CPA's
To find the total number of delegations, we have 15 accountants and we need to choose 2, thus,
Thus our probability will be
In sociology, families are the group that is affiliated with co-residence. family is a principle institution that teaches a child first. now, these day family breaks the traditional conceptions and emerge new concept. As a unit of socialization, a family is a hot topic among scholars. For sociologist, families are the primary socialization factor and called the first focal institution for children to learn about socialization with family, school, peers, etc. Family is the first school for child development. The role of the family is to perpetuate society both biologically and socially. The nature of a person in a family continuously changes over time.
The old-new synagogue in prague differs from contemporary german gothic churches in its two-aisle plan.
When newer synagogues were constructed in the 16th century, the Old-New Synagogue was renamed from the New or Great Synagogue, which was its original name.
Another interpretation is that the name is derived from the Hebrew word al-tnay, which means "on condition" and has a similar sound to the Yiddish word alt-nay, which means "old-new." Legend has it that angels sent building materials from the Temple in Jerusalem to the Synagogue in Prague—"on condition" that they be returned when the Messiah arrives, that is, when the Temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt and the materials are required. [Reference needed]
Learn more about two-aisle plan here.