As soon as Shiro saw his master he ran to meet him, wagging his tail, and, seizing the end of his kimono, dragged him under a large yenoki tree. Here he began to dig very industriously with his paws, yelping with joy all the time. The old man, unable to understand what it all meant, stood looking on in bewilderment. But Shiro went on barking and digging with all his might.
I'm not too sure but the other parts in the story didn't seem like companionship to me, but in here the dog is helping the old man.
Done :) have a good day!!
D) As a result, the smart ape was able to create a hook to bring down the fruit from the tree.
The author of “Space Debris…” focuses only on how NASA and other organizations identify and maneuver around debris, while the author of “Space Junk…” provides examples of organizations taking on thoughtful efforts to remove debris from space.
The author of “Space Debris…” illustrates how the inventory of debris by size helps cleanup efforts, while the author of “Space Junk…” only provides examples of debris that have been saved from space.
The author of “Space Debris…” conveys the importance of sharing cleanup responsibilities among professionals in various fields, while the author of “Space Junk…” places the responsibility solely on space archaeologists.
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