I believe that the fact that Nero ruled the world but his own people turned against him is a perfect example of how being a wealthy person such as Nero does not guarantee a perfect life.
Hope this helps!
the medicine bag is passed down to the sons of the family
The different dialects made it a bit difficult to understand and follow the dialogue. I could understand Higgins and Pickering well, but it was tough to understand what Eliza was saying sometimes. For example, consider this excerpt from the play:
THE FLOWER GIRL: Ow, eez ye-ooa san, is e? Wal, fewd dan y' de-ooty bawmz a mather should, eed now bettern to spawl a pore gel's flahrzn than ran awy atbaht pyin. Will ye-oo py me f'them?
I had to read this excerpt several times to understand what Eliza was saying. In such cases, the other characters’ responses to Eliza helped me figure out what she was saying.
This Story Is About A Baseball Team That Wasn't Having The Best Of luck. Any of them could reel off a list of the team’s most famous failures. They weren't very confident for their horrible nickname. They didn't have any fans. The first had broken the heart of Danny’s great-grandfather Zechariah Gurkin, the second had crushed the spirit of his grandpa Ebenezer, and the third still brought tears to the eyes of Danny’s parents, Harold and Lydia and how that happened was the first time they were strikeout, The next time it was snowed out then the next time the Triple-Play Tragedy. They Had only won champion in their first year. After awhile the Sluggers won champion ship but never won a championship again after their first win.
I hope this helps. i didn't read the story i have some parts. I hope you have a merry Christmas or happy hanukkah.