<span>How do you say good afternoon in french?
"Bon après-midi"
"Bonne après-midi"
<span><span>Both answers are possible.</span>
Exemple :
</span>Quel temps ! C'est une belle après-midi.
Quel temps ! C'est un bel après-midi.
1. he is a man who has a child
3.she is a female child
7. she is the sister of my father or mother. This is my
9.it is a woman who has a child
I can only find these few. Sorry :)
fleur-de-lis, (French: “lily flower”) , also spelled fleur-de-lys, also called flower-de-luce, stylized emblem or device much used in ornamentation and, particularly, in heraldry, long associated with the French crown. Although still a minor emblem, the rooster could be found at both the Louvre and Versailles. Can also be found on French stamps, at the entrance of the Élysée Palace…