Cost of Equity 16.33%
We solve for this using CAMP:
risk free = 0.0387
premium market = (market rate - risk free) 0.0903
beta(non diversifiable risk) = 1.38
Ke 0.16331 = 16.33%
We are given with the risk free rate of return and the market premium already so we just need to plug into the formula to solve for the expected return on the stock.
Price Decreases & Quantity Decreases
As a result of the discovery of an alternative which is cheaper, consumers increase demand for natural gas. The demand for heating oil would fall. This would lead to a fall in price and quantity.
I hope my answer helps you
Test retest reliability
The performance management,term refers to a measure that obtains consistency of results over time.
It also carries the idea of performance appraisal through which more work can be achieved by rewarding the personnel who achieve their targets on time and show their results.
It helps optimize the performance to obtain consistency over the time with providing feedback and improvement in the performance. Psychometrics tests and evaluation test are used for improvement of employee performance. Several policies and procedures are also implemented for their welfare.
To learn more about performance management here,
Planning, organizing,leading, and controlling