the highest probability for migrating is between the ages of 20 and 30 years old. men are more likely than women to migrate. So 25 year old male
white triangles
A horizontal line of white triangles painted across a lane of traffic is called a yield line. The white triangles upside down mean the people at the traffic lane, have priority so, all the drivers must reduce the speed stop and wait for them, before going on their way.
In English
En Ingles
By definition artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans animals, which involves consciousness and emotionality.
In Spanish
En Espanol
Por definición, la inteligencia artificial es la inteligencia demostrada por las máquinas, a diferencia de la inteligencia natural mostrada por los animales humanos, que involucra conciencia y emocionalidad.

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