Las funciones digestivas de la saliva incluyen humedecer los alimentos y ayudar a crear un bolo alimenticio, para que se pueda tragar fácilmente. La saliva contiene la enzima amilasa que descompone algunos almidones en maltosa y dextrina. Por lo tanto, la digestión de los alimentos ocurre dentro de la boca, incluso antes de que los alimentos lleguen al estómago.
<span>They are PURPLE
A bacteria can do all of the following 1. Photosynthesis 2. Recycling carbon which contributes to carbon cycle 3. Nitrogen fixation which contributes to nitrogen cycle These three indicated functions are significant because they perform specific contributions in the biosphere. Phosphorylation is a function which is part of the ATP process and has nothing to do with bacteria.</span>
B. It is carrie6 by a pollinator
we all want to improve air quality in our environments. especially in cities.., unfortunately, the $ you save from "going green," will now cause extra taxes,in the near future, which will defeat the purpose of saving $...from green sources adding another tax for your hard earned resources, example, when u buy a property with wooded areas, in rural towns of illinois, you are charged a green tax, plus higher property taxes to compensate electricity.
therefore, investment in clean energy shud b divided into yearly income per year..hense, people of higher income shud b taxed mor to the rich and people who can afford it. bluecollors are always taxed more than peps
that can actually afford it..
just my thought...