Yes they did . It was the leading architectural style . The Italian architecture was around 1200-1400
Emotionalism is the art theory that focuses on the deliberate communicating of feelings, emotions, states of mind, moods, and intense ideas. In this art theory, the expressive aspect is highlighted over anything else, and most of this artworks began with realistic or abstract depictions of feelings to provoque in the viewer something that would shock him or make him get an arousal.
Notice how this paintings inmediately portray an emotion and make it the main element of the composition.
The art pieces below are well known examples done by Munch , the first is "Madonna" 1902, and "the Screaming" 1893.
Characteristic of his diverse states of mind, the paintings are named just as emotions: Melancholy, Jealousy, Despair, Anxiety, Death in the Sickroom and The Scream.
The classical principle of contrapposto, or weight shift, was reintroduced into western art by the sculpture Donatello
Answer: Proportion is the relationship of two or more elements in a design and how they compare with one another.
Proportion is said to be harmonious when a correct relationship exists between the elements with respect to size or quantity. Good proportion adds <em>harmony, symmetry</em>, or balance among the parts of a design.
I know that happens to me all of the time and its so annoying!! >:(