Functionalist Perspective.
The functionalist perspective basically sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation and broadly focuses on the social structures that shape society as a whole.
After the death of Muhammad, he was succeeded by 'the <em>Rashidun</em>', a 30-year reign of the four 'rightly guided caliphs'. During such reign, which lasted from 632 CE to 656 CE, the expansion through the territories outside Arabia started.
Eventually, under the influence of the political systems of these territories, the leadership became hereditary, and the Umayyad dinasty, who moved to Damascus to excercise power, ruled from 661 CE to 750 CE. This dinasty achieved the greatest expansion of the Muslim Empire in a lapse of 89 years, converting the Caucasus, Transoxiana, Sindh, the Maghreb, and the Iberian Peninsula to Islam, as well as occupying 5.79 million square miles of territory and including 62 million people. It was the fifth largest empire in history regarding area and proportion of the world's population.
Because he was born in 476 and wrote the book when he was 23.
- The first in a series of great mathematicians of the classical period and perhaps the greatest is certainly Aryabhata.
- His most famous work today is certainly Aryabhatiya, which he wrote when he was 23, which he states in the text, and on this basis it is assumed that he was born 476, because according to other sources it is known that he died 550 years.
- His name and origins are still controversial, but he is known to have studied in the city of Kusumaputra, which historians claim to be the present-day city of Patna and later was the leader of the observatory at Nalanda University 25 km southeast of Patna.
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