The correct option would be C The Civil War- ending slavery.
Whitman wrote this poem after Abraham Lincoln died. He wrote 18 poems regarding the Civil War. This poem was written to honor Lincoln as Whitman really admired him and knew that the Civil War was a central event in his life.
The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome contains a painting 1233 foot long and 45 feet wide.
Either B. Human Services or D. Mental health services but I'm leaning more towards D
Answer:contestar llamadas, recibir mensajes y manejar correspondencia.
mantener diarios y concertar citas.
mecanografiar, preparar y cotejar informes.
organizar y dar servicio a reuniones (producir agendas y tomar actas)
gestión de bases de datos.
priorizar cargas de trabajo.
The Elizabethan theater is halted until 1658 when Oliver Cromwell dies and the power of the Puritans starts to decline. In 1660 King Charles II is restored to the throne of England. The Restoration, and the demise in the power of the Puritans, sees the opening of the theatres once again.