Anglo-Saxons liked to gather in the lord's great hall, to eat and drink, and to listen to songs and stories. They loved tales about brave warriors and their adventures. A favourite story told how Beowulf, a heroic prince, kills the fierce man-eating monster Grendel, and Grendel's equally horrid mother. The story of Beowulf was first written down in the 8th-9th centuries, but long before that the story was told around the fire. The storyteller played music to accompany the songs and poems, on a small harp or on another stringed instrument called a lyre
Pony is having a hard time at school, and he is forgetful and clumsy. Fighting resumes with Darry as he continually has to berate Pony about getting his homework done. Nothing really matters to Pony any more, and getting through each day is a struggle for him.
c. Deductive, analogy
In this scenario, the argument being made would be classified as a deductive analogy. An analogy basically compares two things together in order to explain an idea, most of the time these two things have something in common that allows that idea to be better understood. In this scenario, they are comparing a rabid dog and an unexploded bomb. Since the unexploded bomb is the object that the rabid dog is being compared to it would be considered the conclusion, and since the conclusion is being applied first in the second part of the argument you are therefore using deductive logic.
B) be + verb + -ing
hope this helps