Byzantine culture was the logical continuation of the previous periods and they preserved it by continuing to preserve that heritage. During the reign of Justinian capital city- Constantinople was rebuilt to appear more as Rome. Justinian organized major public works on the construction of magnificent building, but the culmination of his construction project and the most spectacular building was the church of Hagia Sophia.
Byzantine culture in general was mixture of Greek, Roman, Persian and even Semitic culture. Byzantines had private schools in which Roman and Greek learning was kept, and kids had to learn both Latin and Greek language. Byzantines consider themselves Romans. They never used the expression Byzantines in everyday life.
C. Trade routes were opened and maintained
Angel island:
West coast
Established as a military facility used primarily by immigrants from the Pacific rim
Immigrants where held for long periods of time before being allowed into the US
Currently part of the national
Adoniram Judson
Judson was the first minister of the gospel to depart from American shores in order to dedicate himself to the proclamation of Jesus Christ to the heathen abroad.
Americans wanted to stay out because Congress passed a series of Neutrality acts in the 1930's, which was aimed to prevent involvement in wars, and it banned the American citizens from trading with nations at war.