The impacts have double profession families had on the human asset capacity is that they have brought on more requirement for family inviting managers since both guardians work somebody needs time off for wiped out children and medical checkups so more adaptable bosses. More wiped out leave is offered than decades prior.
Fixed interval schedule
A fixed-interval schedule is used in ope-rant conditioning. It is used when the first action has been rewarded after some time elapsed. In this type of schedule, there are high chances of high respond near the end of the action.
But when the reinforcing has been given, instantly the response of the action gets slower. Ope-rant conditioning is conditioning that works on two called reinforcement and punishment. B.F Skinner was the first psychologist who introduced the ope-rant conditioning in which this two-term reinforcement and punishment were given.
Thus here in the above statement, The rat in the Skinner box was reinforced in a fixed interval schedule.
The confederate states won
I believe the answer is D. In Rural Areas
The populist party was started to help support the average people AKA farmers and heavily supported the farmers alliance this led to support from Farmers and rural cities but had outrage from all other sides leading to the failure of the party.