You run away a get help that what I did and I’m better for it because I’m now living in peace and don’t have to look over my shoulder 24/7
Here are 6 tips I can give you that I have learned. Hope they are helpful! <3
1. Adopt a routine schedule: Try to maintain a regular, routine sleep/wake schedule
2. Avoid taking daytime naps: People who nap have more difficulty falling asleep at nighttime.
3. Avoid caffeine : Caffeine is a brain stimulant that interferes with good sleep
4. Use the bedroom for what it’s meant to be used for: Don’t get into the habit of watching TV, eating, or performing any other activities in your bed.
5. Avoid bedtime snacking: Avoid sugar or carbohydrates within two hours of sleep.
6.If you can’t fall asleep: If you are unable to fall asleep within thirty minutes, get up and do something relaxing, such as light reading or taking a warm bath.