Machines needed to be repaired less frequently. Products could be manufactured on an assembly line.
<span>Martin Luther lived for 62 years (1483 to1546) he did 2 significant things that helped spread the Bible and Christian teachings in Germany: First and foremost he translated the Bible into the German vernacular to make it easy for the common man to read and secondly he printed and distributed literature challenging the right of the popes and clergy to exclusively interpret the scriptures on behalf of the laity.</span>
The 13th Amendment, ratified in 1865, formally abolished slavery in the territory of the United States. Through this amendment to the constitutional text, slavery was prohibited, thus protecting the rights of African Americans, who until then were subject to said slave and segregationist regime in the southern states of the country.
Although this amendment did not solve all the problems of black people in the country, it was a milestone in the development of civil rights for this social group, which advanced more quickly in the north of the country, while the southern states they applied segregationist policies after the end of Reconstruction.
Thus, finally, after the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, African-Americans had access to the same rights as whites in the nation, applying this amendment in its entirety.
Marte es el planeta interior más alejado del Sol. Es un planeta telúrico con una atmósfera delgada de dióxido de carbono, y posee dos satélites pequeños y de forma irregular, Fobos y Deimos (hijos del dios griego), que podrían ser asteroides capturados similares al asteroide troyano (5261) Eureka.