Answer:China and Japan share a long history through trade, cultural exchanges, friendship, and conflict. They are only separated by a narrow stretch of ocean. Through cross cultural contact, China and Korea has strongly influenced Japan; particularly from China with its writing system, architecture, culture, religion, philosophy, and law, many of which were introduced by the Kingdom of Baekje.
Japan and China's cultures are drastically different, one being based on strictness and honor. Chine's culture is based around agriculture and agrarian. Historically, both nations fought several wars against each other over their cultural differences. The last time China was crushed in war with Japan was in 1938 during Japan's crusade through the Pacific nations and islands.
His results gave the first evidence that atoms were made of smaller particles. Specially, he proved the existence of negatively charged sub-atomic particles known as electrons.
Without food people became malnourished therefore a decrease of population due to famine so no births and productivity since people were too weak to work.