By being in the north and wanting the south to rid of slaves, and to make them join the north. but the south only had huge amounts of farm land, and no way to sow, till, or harvest all that land with out a few hundred slave workers. the north seen that as unnescessary to do. the north also laid out laws that the south didnt agree with leading to the southern states declaring independancy against the north witch lead to war.
Roanoke island in present day North Carolina I believe
C. It did not allow African Americans to join.
CORRECT ON A.P.E.X :) I took the quiz!
Discovery of oil led to extreme exploration and human encroachment in Oklahoma as well as increased wealth. Now, there are jobs that include finding oil, drilling oil, selling oil, and getting rid of wastes that are produced during the oil refinery process. Please mark Brainliest!!!
a Crow woman who fought the Sioux for killing her brother