3% percent is the 6 because of the 5% percent
El calendario solar azteca es un ciclo de 52 años que se divide en cuatro trecenas de años, cada uno diferenciado de los otros mediante la asignación cíclica de uno de los jeroglíficos Técpatl (pedernal), Calli (casa), Tochtli (conejo) o Ácatl (carrizo) y uno de los dígitos del 1 al 13 (representados con puntos).
Some scholars defend the theory that climate change led to the decline of the Indus Valley civilization around 1800 BCE. The drying of the Saraswati River was the main cause of climate change in the area; others believe that a great flood impacted it.
However, this is not the only explanation possible. Another theory that the demise of the Indus Valley civilization was caused by the invasion of the Indo-European, nomadic people of the Aryans, who conquered the region.
Hebrew was MONOTHEISTIC (one GOD) but Sumerians and Egyptans were POLYTHEISTIC(many gods).
A.by using machines to do the work