The Treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo was established in the war between the United States and Mexico. It was signed on February 2, 1848 and has been treated in the ancient past that is still in effect between the United States and Mexico. As a result of the treaty, the United States acquired more than one million two hundred thousand square kilometers of valuable territory and emerged as a world power at the end of the nineteenth century.
In the 1850s, reformers also came to power in Mexico and promised to strengthen the country's political system so as not to be more victims of US aggression. The reform of Benito Juarez ( President at the time) was the beginning of a process of political and economic modernization that continues to the present in Mexico.
he Scientific Revolution changed the way people thought about the physical world around them. The same spirit of inquiry that fueled the Renaissance, led scientists to question traditional beliefs about the workings of the universe.
Maundy Thursday
The two Sacraments' origins we do honor and celebrate on Holy Thursday is the Maundy Thursday.
Maundy Thursday ( which is also called Holy Thursday, Covenant Thursday , Sheer Thursday and Thursday of Mysteries, among several other known names ) is the Christian hold day which falls on a Thursday before Easter. The day is observed to celebrate the washing of the feet and also the last supper of Jesus Christ which he had with the Apostles.
Yes he used his own bible.