I’m pretty sure it is all of the above. And also biology would be the subject for this question for future reference. Anytime
encourages unhealthy behaviors that contribute to poor health.
Stress which is an emotional response to real or imagined challenges or threats, if not handled properly could influence one's health negatively. Persistent stress or excessive stress could encourage unhealthy behavior (not having time to eat good food) which would promote ill health.
Dimension. A feature of an event that can be measured is called. Repeatability, Temporal extent, temporal locus. All of the following are measurable dimensional quantities except topography. You just studied 86 terms!
We can take for example Josip Broz Tito, a former president of Yugoslavia.
During his time the country went to the period of renewal. People, especially women gained more rights, new laws were introduced. The rate of literacy increased as never before. Reforms were introduced, country prospered. I believe that we can compare him with Charlemagne as although as him he wasn't very educated he realized the need for education, literacy and improvement of life condition as well.