in 7000 BC the Dravidians migrated to the Indus River Valley
Northern lawmakers were hesitant to go to war with Mexico because in the North people began to question the system as they increasingly viewed it as immoral and believed that it was wrong for person to enslave another. By starting a war with Mexico, they believe that the new territories would create more slave states and perpetuate the system further. Aside from that, President James Polk also wanted to acquire the territories of California, New Mexico and Oregon. Eventually war broke out when American troops to the Rio Grande and Nueces River regard as disputed territories.
Answer: His master is crueler after finding religion than he was before.
Douglas considered his master as a cruel man. His master once went out for a christian camp meeting and in the course of the meeting, he surrendered his life to Christ. Due to this, Douglass hoped that this religious transformation would result in his master being less cruel toward his slaves, and this didn't turn out to be the case, rather the master became more cruel.
This is an irony, because Douglass experienced the opposite of his expectation. An irony is the expression of one's meaning by the use of language which normally signifies the opposite, usually for emphatic or humorous effect.
<span>he Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Kansas with slavery would violate the Missouri Compromise, which had kept the Union from falling apart for the last thirty-four years. The long-standing compromise would have to be repealed. Opposition was intense, but ultimately the bill passed in May of 1854. Territory north of the sacred 36°30' line was now open to popular sovereignty. The North was outraged.The political effects of Douglas' bill were enormous. Passage of the bill irrevocably split the Whig Party, one of the two major political parties in the country at the time. Every northern Whig had opposed the bill; almost every southern Whig voted for it. With the emotional issue of slavery involved, there was no way a common ground could be found. Most of the southern Whigs soon were swept into the Democratic Party. Northern Whigs reorganized themselves with other non-slavery interests to become the REPUBLICAN PARTY, the party of Abraham Lincoln. This left the Democratic Party as the sole remaining institution that crossed sectional lines. Animosity between the North and South was again on the rise. The North felt that if the Compromise of 1820 was ignored, the Compromise of 1850 could be ignored as well. Violations of the hated Fugitive Slave Law increased. Trouble was indeed back with a vengeance.</span>
I assume you have choices for the question? Anwyays, working-class women during that era weren’t exempted from factory work. They worked mainly in factories of textile, piecework, and coal mine industries. It was extra tiring of working-class women because after a hard days work at the factories, they are faced with household duties and child