D. The reform party. This party believes in campaign finance reform, including strict limits on campaign contributions and the outlawing of political action committees.
Humans benefit from Prometheus’ decision to defy Jupiter because they gain fire, and Prometheus teaches them how to cook, protect themselves, and make tools. The humans become more civilized and get rid of their animal-like ways. As a result of Prometheus’ actions, humankind becomes happy once again.
Make sure to sum it up and put it in your own words, have an awesome day!
A. It was used by the Catholic Church and in academic settings.
Latin was for 20 centuries the official language of the Church. Academic writing and research was published in Latin. Masses were said in Latin, despite the fact that only the clergy and the best educated people (very few people during the Middle Ages) were the only ones who could speak and understand it. It was only in the second half of the 20th century that the Roman Catholic Church authorized masses in the local and national languages of each country.
Europeans were able to trade for slaves, foodstuffs, and desirable items like deerskins, a process that led to the subjugation of many Indian peoples. The economic changes led to even more social turmoil among Indians, a condition that eventually led to their subjugation in many cases.
I'm not sure hahaha