Is this middle school work?
If everyone were the same, we could be compared to robots. No one would be able to/ want to stand out from the crowd, which would prevent advancements in things like medicine, technology, and science/art in general. No one would be special, so you could argue that nothing would make you significant. If everyone were the same, we would all live to die, because what else would there be to do.
The answer to the question "Which of the following sentences most clearly expresses an opinion?" is B.
This practice is divisive, it is unfair, it is archaic.
The word unfair is a key word to knowing that is in opinion, because there is no factual evidence to tell you that it is fair or unfair. Opinions can be backed by facts, but can not be proven.
Infinitive: to ski
use: noun
pretty sure thats correct ;)