okay mines cancer urs is....
Basic Korean Before You Learn:
Hi : 안녕하세요 Pronounced: annyeonghaseyo
How are you: 어떻게 지내 Pronounced: eotteohge jinae
Why?: 왜? Pronounced: wae
you: 당신 Prounounced: dangsin
Thank you:
감사합니다! Pronounced : gamsahabnida!
आलस्य Meaning "Laziness," मेहनती would be the antonym, meaning "Hardworking."
I agree with the person above.
1. English borrowed the word A. el poncho from Spanish, and Spanish borrowed champu, ziper, and sandwich from English.
2. B. El sandwich is the word that Spanish borrowed from English.
3. The cognate in this sentence is the word C. balcon, or balcony in English.