A person with ASL skills is likely to be hard of hearing and uses this dominant sign language for better communication and expression. Therefore, it is essential that when finding a job, this person can have all their communication needs met.
<h3 /><h3>Importance of inclusion in the workplace</h3>
It is essential that organizations are open and able to receive professionals with some disability or difficulty, because despite their limitations, any individual has the possibility to develop and contribute with creativity and innovation to a job.
Therefore, it is important that when receiving a person who uses ASL as a language, the company adapts its processes to have greater inclusion and integration of the individual to the place and to co-workers.
Some measures that could be taken to meet the needs of this individual could be the presence of a professional capable of understanding ASL, as well as work materials and information made available in that language.
Find out more information about American Sign Language here:
El género literario de la ciencia ficción es diverso, y su definición exacta sigue siendo una cuestión controvertida tanto entre eruditos como entre devotos. Esta falta de consenso se refleja en los debates sobre el género historia, particularmente sobre la determinación de sus orígenes exactos. Hay dos campos de pensamiento amplios, uno [cita requerida] que identifica las raíces del género en los inicios fantásticos obras como la epopeya sumeria de Gilgamesh (las primeras versiones del texto sumerio c. 2150-2000 a. C.). Un segundo enfoque sostiene que la ciencia ficción solo fue posible en algún momento entre el siglo XVII y principios Siglo XIX, tras la revolución científica y los principales descubrimientos en astronomía, física y matemáticas.
<h2>●♡ <em>jess </em>bregoli ♡●</h2>
<h3>#seguir aprendiendo!!</h3>
Nosotros somos organizados
Mis amigas son artísticas
Lorena es muy atléticas
Javier es muy perezoso
La directora es simpática
Ellas son altas