To me, the main impact of this war was that it acted as a wedge to open China up. As China was forced to open up more and more to the West (and eventually Japan) it lost its sovereignty and its whole society was undermined.
The actual immediate impacts of the war were not that great. Some opium came into China. Some ports were opened up and some missionaries were allowed in. But in the long run, this was just the start. From there, the British and other countries started to demand more and more access until they practically destroyed the soveriegn power of the Chinese government.
It's alright. A little hot here and there
For some food crops, in order to include resistance to certain pests, diseases, environmental conditions, reduction of spoilage, it is important to genetically modify the crops.
- In order for Jeffrey M Smiths proposed change in crops to succeed Genetically modified crops or GMC techniques are to be followed.
- In the GMC technique, the DNA of the agricultural plants has been altered using some methods of 'genetic-engineering'.
- The ultimate goal is to introduce a new feature that doesn’t occur to the plant naturally.
- For some food crops, in order to 'provide resistance to certain pests', resistance to some chemical treatments, diseases, environmental conditions.
- In 'reduction of spoilage', or even to improve the 'nutrient profile' of the crop etc., it is important to genetically modify the crops.
- Farmers have widely adopted to this Genetically modified crops technology.
Unitary government.
All the power are held by one, single, central agency in a Unitary Government.
Hope this helps ;) ❤❤❤