The Cuban Missile Crisis was effectively ended when the 1. Soviet Union agreed to withdraw weapons from Cuba. The United States had set up the Acorn Line, a hypothetical line in the Caribbean Sea, which Kennedy stated no Soviet submarines or ships were allowed to pass. Fortunately, the Soviet Union withdrew missiles mainly because the United States also agreed to withdraw its missiles from Turkey.
There were two particularly important reasons why the state might have sponsored such organized ridicule and abuse of minorities. The first reason was that identifying minorities in this way allowed people to have someone to "blame" for the problems of the country. Minorities were accused of causing financial problems, or hoarding jobs or of accumulating wealth they did not deserve.
The second reason why this attitude was useful to the state was that it encouraged the unity of people who did fit the traditional definition of "German." By having a common enemy, white Germans were more likely to become unified and to collaborate with one another in the development of the Nazi state.
They have Holy ROMAN empire not Chinese , but i would wait for other answers just in case
Life, liberty, and property
John Locke was known for his 3 natural rights: life, liberty, and property
Could create their own Miranda warning if it communicated the same message.