D. Paul Robeson's stand made him more popular thank Jackie Robinson
Paul Robeson was a stage actor and an American artist. He was well known all over the world because of his cultural accomplishments as well as his political activism. He was a public champion in the socialist experiment in the Soviet Union which created hope and dreams among the black people around the world. He was well known and became a public face when there was injustice and discrimination against the black people in the constitution. His stand political stand made him more popular than Jackie Robinson.
Christopher Columbus is the explorer who is credited for discovering America. Of course, there were already people living in America at the time who we call Native Americans. There even was a European, Leif Ericsson, who had been to the Americas before. However, it was Columbus' voyage that started the exploration and colonization of the Americas.
Neither, in all honesty the amount of nuclear explosives both countries have they would completely destroy each other. There would be no winner
They were the best Ship Builders and best Sailors of Mesopotamia. They made the first see through glass.