The correct answer is option (h) the breathing rate to supply more oxygen to cells for the release of energy.
Breathing refers to the process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide from the lungs. A normal breathing rate at rest is around 15 breathes per minute which is significantly increased to 40 -50 breathes per minute during vigorous activity or excercise.
During exercise, the breathing rate, pulse rate and lactic acid levels increase in the human body. Muscle cells have an increased need for energy and heart pumps more oxygen to the muscle cells to meet the requirement. Breathing rate increases to supply more oxygen to the muscle cells which is required for the oxidation of the glucose, release of more energy and to get rid of the carbon dioxide.
Answer :
Surfactant deficiency due to undeveloped lungs (in premature infants) suggest respiratory distress in an infant, but would be less likely to be observed in an adult beacuse in adults , lungs are fully developed and lack of surfactant is less.
Respiratory distress syndrome is a type of neonatal disease of respiration ,caused by deficiency of the surfactant produced by type II alveolar cells in the lungs most commonly in premature infants.
Normally , the lungs of the fetus start the formation of the surfactant during the third trimester (26 weeks through labor and delivery ) but in the premature infants , the lungs are not totally developed , hence lack of surfactant production results in the respiratory distress syndrome charactarized by inflammation of the airways due to the lack of the surface tension lowring effect of the surfactant.
The answer is beginning
(to other people that need it)
como el cafe inicialmente se encuentra a una temperatura alta las moléculas se mueven a gran velocidad al tener contacto térmico con las moléculas del agua las moléculas del va transferir energía térmica perdiendo calor lo q hara q la temperatura de café baje