"a local restaurant wants to provide it's costumers with driving directions so they can easily find the restaurant's new location"
Website is most appropriate for this situation.
The actual picture of the restaurants can be projected with the help of a website. It provides many important information about the restaurant. It makes the people to know about the look, services offered, customer's view about the restaurant, etc. It also provides basic and important information like the location of the hotel, landmarks, etc.
It is not necessary to have a website that looks fancy. It should be more informative and provide useful information about the restaurant. It should provide the details about the contact information, contact person's name, navigation route, etc. the given situation in the question can be helped with website of that new restaurant.
This year I hope to get better at understanding reading and get better at math, the goal of 2021
The word “command” is to be the one in charge. For example, “The general is in command”.