unalarming, pleasant.
An official prohibition or edict against something.
Harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance.
"a dour, self-sacrificing life"; "a forbidding scowl"; "a grim man loving duty more than humanity"; "undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw"- J.M.Barrie
Querida Ileana:
Lamento decirlo, pero me será imposible aceptar su oferta. La ciudad donde está el trabajo está demasiado lejos de mi casa. Sin embargo, aprecio tu ayuda. Si encuentra otra oferta de trabajo, llámeme o escríbame.
Muchos abrazos,
Dear Ileana:
I am sorry to say, but it will be impossible for me to accept your offer. The city where the work is is too far from my house. However, I appreciate your help. If you find another job offer, call or write to me.
Lot of hugs,
That it was time for action
Huge storm clouds start to appear in the sky as we set out. We wanted to run away as fast as possible. We entered a car together, keeping quiet the whole time. As we drew out of the city, we have noticed the thunder blasting over the sky behind us. I have jumped a little in my seat. It only occurred to me then to call my mother. I took a mobile phone – it had enough battery to last through the day. The call took me to voice mail. “Hi mum, just to tell you we’re safe and on our way, in case you hear something on the news,” I said into the mobile phone, trying to sound as calm as possible. When I ended the call, I looked at him driving. Without taking his eyes off the road, he squeezed my hand silently. Finally, that tiny support calmed me down. We will be fine.