An iambic pentameter is a metric line where one stressed syllable is followed by one unstressed syllable. (the pattern is something like this:Λ_Λ_Λ_ where Λ stands for the stressed syllable)
Shakespeare is an author who used it extensively in his poetry and it is believed that he actually established the use of iambic pentameter . He chooses to write in it because it copies the sounds of natural human speech, even the rhythm of a human heartbeat.
The answer is C.
Hope this helps!
1) are sitting ; having ; watching
2) is reading ; is washing ; is watching ; am doing
3) are swimming ; is reading ; is drinking
4) is driving ; is talking
5) are sleeping ; am watching
6) are going
7) is helping ; are preparing
8) is wearing
9) am trying
10) is brushing
11) is planting
12) are climbing ; are having
13) am doing
singular ( 1 ) - is
plural ( > 1 ) - are