Both electromagnetic and mechanical waves are the movement of energy. They can be measured in the same ways too. The amplitude, frequency, and wavelength are ways to represent the measurements of waves. Additionally, they both have crests and troughs. Finally, both can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted.
It is important to prioritize and maintain a patent airway. This will apply the ABCD of emergency medicine. It is important to prioritize airway, breathing, circulation and presence of disability. Magnesium sulfate must administered for active seizure. Acute treatment of hypertension must be done by administering hydralazine. Fluid management is important excessive fluids can lead to pulmonary edema or congestion. Diuretics must be avoided. Monitoring of fetal heart tone and movement must be strictly observed.
If an animal became extinct such as a rabbit (even tho they abut extinct) then any animal who only ate rabbits would probably become extinct too an that would keep on happening until no more animals in the world unless they adapted to eating other animals
a. is marked by limited changes in reproductive hormones