69.08265412 milliseconds
Lets first convert 7 MiB to bits
Now convert bits to Gbits
Queuing Delay = Total size/transmission link rate
Queuing Delay= seconds
Delay of packet number 3 = seconds
or milliseconds
Yes, is should work
USB is widely adopted and supports both forward and backward compatibility. The USB 3.0 printer should work with the USB 2.0 computer. However, having a connection like this, the printer will only be able to work at the speeds of the computer’s USB 2.0. By default, USB is built to allow transfer speeds improvement with upgrades from previous generations while still maintaining compatibility between devices that are supported by them.
I think in there transmission you know inputs into ports like for their own
likeslike Spanish and is obviously inputs and outputs their portsinto the portsdifferent ports you know
The biggest security issue with using social networking sites to market your listings is Criminals may use social networking sites to identify your personal data.
<h3>What is a social marketing site?</h3>
A social marketing site is a site where people from around the world are connected in one place and share their thoughts and photos and other data.
The social sites are on the internet and there is a chance of stealing data and it identity theft, phishing, online predators, internet fraud, and other cybercriminal attacks are also some risks.
Thus, the largest security concern with using social networking sites to sell your listings is that thieves could use these sites to find personal information about you.
To learn more about social marketing sites, refer to the link:
Your answer would be: a hand pointer.