print("Let's play Silly Sentences!")
print(" ")
name=input("Enter a name: ")
adj1=input("Enter an adjective: ")
adj2=input("Enter an adjective: ")
adv=input("Enter an adverb: ")
fd1=input("Enter a food: ")
fd2=input("Enter another food: ")
noun=input("Enter a noun: ")
place=input("Enter a place: ")
verb=input("Enter a verb: ")
print(" ")
print(name + " was planning a dream vacation to " + place + ".")
print(name + " was especially looking forward to trying the local \ncuisine, including " + adj1 + " " + fd1 + " and " + fd2 + ".")
print(" ")
print(name + " will have to practice the language " + adv + " to \nmake it easier to " + verb + " with people.")
print(" ")
print(name + " has a long list of sights to see, including the\n" + noun + " museum and the " + adj2 + " park.")
Got it right. Might be a longer version, but it worked for me.
Statement to assign 32 to variable cheeses.
To assign any value to a variable in any programming language, we use "="operator.First declare a variable "cheeses"of type "int" in this case.Then assign 32 to variable "cheeses" with the help of "=" operator.After assigning 32 , variable will store 32 in it.
Implementation in c++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int cheeses;
return 0;
Yes, it is.
Yes it will surely achieve the goal. When there is no license for user, then he/she will not access the dashboard.
Yes it is D like the other person said