Mercantilism- beliefs in the benefits of profitable trading
import- bringing food into a country
export- sending goods to another county
enumerated article- goods that the english colonies exported to england
legislature- the legislative body of a country or state
indentured servant- a person who has contracted to work unpaid for a few years in exchange to come to north america
navigation acts- a declaration that only English ships would be allowed to bring goods into England
dominion of new england- a union of English colonies covering New England and the Mid-Atlantic Colonies
english bill of rights- an act signed into law in 1689 by William III and Mary II
hope this helped :)
The technology for America's first textile factory came from B)Britain. It has been stated that the British textile industry was key to the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain before reaching North America and virtually changed most Western societies from agrarian societies into industrial societies, and spread the process of manufacturing, which increased the supply and demand, and essentially production.
To pay off his war debts :)
"The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Commonwealth" and "The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates," are both by John Milton.