Upwelling is a process in which the deep and cold water rises to the water surface and not sea surface. This process plays an important role in maintaining balance in our ecosystem as it boost the marine productivity by washing the nutrients from deeper waters to the photic layer where photosynthesis is promoted.
Plant cells have cell walls while animal cells don't
As you workout your heart rate will increase because you need oxygen.
They prove that it is impossible for all scientists to accept the same theory.
Scientists are always coming up with new theories, and there will always be people out there to disagree with them.
The reptile's body temperature rises when the external temperature rises. When the temperature drops, so does his body temperature. If a reptile feels cold because the external temperatures have made his blood cold, he'll lie in the sun to warm up. However, if the external temperature is too high, he scurries under a rock, dives in a pool or finds some kind of shade where he can cool down. Reptiles and other animals with ectothermic systems are vulnerable to extreme changes in temperature because they can't control their temperatures internally. They can control their body temperatures only by moving to an environment with a suitable ambient temperature.