A medida que crece un árbol, la mayoría de las células de madera se alinean con el eje del tronco, la rama o la raíz. Estas células están compuestas por haces largos y delgados de fibras, aproximadamente 100 veces más largas que anchas. Esto es lo que le da a la madera su dirección de grano.
La madera es más fuerte en la dirección paralela al grano. Debido a esto, las propiedades de resistencia y rigidez de los paneles estructurales de madera son mayores en la dirección paralela al eje de resistencia que perpendicular a él
The answer is : When there is a need to copy a formula and have the references update based on the new location
<em>I often use this function in any spreadsheet document. Imagine, you have thousands of data in a single sheet. And you inserted one row or column. Normally, you have to update EACH CELL's formula. Imagine the work load and the effort you need to exert. But when the single cell updates all the cell's reference, formula will be affected and you don't need to re update all the cells. It saves you time and effort and worries.</em>
It stands for arithmetic logic unit
A. Property rights allow consumers and producers to make free
If the consumers and the producers have the properties, then only they can say that well this is free for you, or in other words, can make the free choices. And by no means market forces only work when everyone owns some property, as some also cannot have the property, and hence work hard to earn some property, and thus the Market force does work. And the laws have nothing to do with the free market or the non-free market. And as we saw above, the competition can exist if someone owns the property, and others do not. Hence, the correct answer is A.