the warmed air can “hold” a good deal more moisture than the cool air.
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Your heart-rate increases
You're building neuropathways
You are building muscle mass
Answer: Loess is the fine grained material that has been transported and deposited by the wind. The answer is <u>A.</u>
Since the wind can carry these types of material (find grained) father than sand, and also higher up, they are generally found very far from their original place of origin.
Loess is no larger than 50 micrometers in size. It is coarse in texture like clay, but finer than a grain of salt.
The difficulty with this answer, lies in the fact that not all of land and ocean biomes have been completely explored. The ocean is vast, covering approximately 70% of the Earth's surface, with literally vertical miles or kilometers of depth, and with some areas with sparse to no biodiversity. The same can be said about certain areas of large deserts with very low levels of biodversity, void of life, like vast deserts of the Sahara or Gobi. But, the Amazon rain forest contains still unknown species of plant and animal life, just like the ocean. Because of its vastness, intellectually, I would say the ocean contains more biodiversity, but the answer is scientifically, as of now, yet to be proven one way or the other.