What is the importance of comparing the resources you use in the campaign?
if u were looking for translation.
if not: Since so much of advertising is visual, it's important to take your actual ad creative into account when analyzing your ad strategy. ... It helps ad managers bring campaign results to life with automated creative analysis. Businesses can quickly run a report and get data and visual ad references side by side.
or: As the project goes along it can be evaluated at every stage. Without setting the milestones, project managers usually leave project evaluation for the end. This costs them a lot. So, with milestones, you can know the aspects of the project worked well and where things could be improved.
Did you teacher tel you they wanted you to structure it s certain way
Yo veo un avión, I see a plane
Answer:What is the structure of this text and what type of text is it?
The seventeenth century saw the end of the great epidemics of hunger that had periodically threatened the European population in the preceding centuries, and the nineteenth century signified a revolutionary change in medicine - sepsis, vaccines, anesthesia, etc. - whose social applications - hygiene , compulsory vaccination, etc. - determined a rapid drop in the mortality rate, especially infant mortality. The joint action of both factors caused a revolutionary change in the demographic structure of the old continent. The decrease in mortality in the first years decisively increased the percentage of the population reaching reproductive age, and the reduction in that of adults favored the prolongation of the half-life, with the consequent aging of the populations.
Contratar = To hire
Despedir = To fire/lay off
Solicitar = To apply for
Empleo = Employment
Desempleo = Unemployment
Ganar bien = To earn good money
Pobreza = Poverty
Riqueza = Wealth
Exportar = To export
Ahorrar = To save (Specifically relating to money)
Gastar = To spend
Capaz = Capable
Conferencia = Conference
R<span>eunión = Reunion/gathering
</span><span>Compañía = Company
</span>Contratar = To hire
Puesto de trabajo = Job position
Ascender = To be promoted/to rise