If you can use it to get stuff then it has value
diagonal spread
Spread is basically a sale and purchase of a call. So here the the types of spreads determine the relationship between the strike price and the expiration dates of all options involved in the trade.
In this example investor has sold 1 ABC Jan 50 Call and has bought 1 ABC Apr 60 Call. This means he bought the option ABC with the longer expiration date and with a higher strike price and sold the option ABC with the near expiration date and the lower strike price. Here both the expiration and strike price are different. So this is an example of diagonal spread.
The option horizontal spread is incorrect because it is a spread that depicts the difference in expiration dates but strike price is the same. Here both the expiration and strike price are different.
The option straddle is incorrect because it is a spread in which both options have the same expiry date and same strike price. Here both the expiration and strike price are different.
The option dialogue spread is not a valid option too.
The option Combination is also suitable because this is an example of Combination and combinations include option spread trades such as vertical spreads, horizontal spreads, and diagonal spreads.
So the most suitable option is diagonal spread which is an example of Combination.
The answer is option B) without a carefully calculated financial plan, a firm has little chance for survival, regardless of its product or marketing effectiveness.
The financial plan of an organization also known as financials is a record used to determine how a business will afford to achieve its strategic goals and objectives.
The Financial Plan collates each of the activities, resources, equipment and materials that are needed to achieve these objectives and specify time frames involved.
A financial plan contains a sales forecast, expense budget, cash flow statement, income projections, asset and liabilities, depreciation table, break even analysis and pre-operating costs. It shows whether the firm is making profit or running at a loss.
It is usually prepared in a spreadsheet.
This plan is what the bank and investors will need to evaluate your business.
Without a carefully calculated financial plan, a firm has little chance for survival, regardless of its product or marketing effectiveness.
Intervene and implement anti-fraternization policies if that's possible and legal. Motivate your team and improve communication as soon as
Before things get out of hand actions must be taken and it should be made clear favoritism is not allowed in the organization.
It would also be helpful if the team leader and team members were put into different teams as then the other members will not feel any sort of unbiased behavior towards themselves.
Please take into consideration the feelings of the involved parties as well. It's hard for people to do their best when they are unhappy or unmotivated.
Make sure to motivate your team as much as you can. A well-motivated team is a key to success. Listen to What People Are Not Saying, give Positive Feedback. Disagree without being disagreeable.
It would be be awkward for the team to freely communicate as before so please try to be an icebreaker. Let them know they are here for a common goal and they need each other to excel at it.