Hitler and his German nazis gassed Jews and put them in concentration camps
A divided government.
A Divided Government is when a party controls the executive branch when the other party controls one of both houses of the legislative branch. When Richard Nixon was elected in 1968 the government became divided. Since then, Republican presidents needed to deal with a Congress that as mostly controlled by the Democrats.
Child of Israel
I woke up this morning and there is excitement in the air for I could overhear the man speaking that today the walls would come down.26
I’m standing near Joshua and I hear him say take up the ark and have the priest carry seven trumpets before it. Joshua is now telling the people go! March around the enclosure. 59
We all begin marching. We marched around the city once and then twice and then three times,four, five and six more times but on the seventh something exciting was supposed to happen! On that seventh time around Joshua said to the people shout and we shouted !106
The noise was deafening from the people and the trumpets but when we shouted and the trumpets made their noise the walls of Jericho started to shake and then they fell. 138