Have the person sit still with their hand resting stationery in a position below their heart. Locate their thumb and follow the Radius bone from the thumb toward their wrist. Just past their wrist use the pads of your index and middle finger to palpate the radius pulse just inside the radial bone on the distal end of the forearm. If you measure the pulse for 15 secs multiply by 4, 30 seconds multiply by 2, or measure a full minute to beats per minute. After an injury to an upper extremities, it is common to locate the radial pulse on both wrists at the same time to compare the strength of the pulse thus making sure circulation is good.
A misconception commonly used when violence occurs in a dating relationship is that "he/she only hits me because he/she loves me". This however is not true. In a relationship, one will not abuse their partner out of love. it is not affectionate. it is purely out of rage, anger, low self-esteem, or upsetting circumstances.
Le chômage peut être défini comme l'état d'une personne souhaitant travailler et qui est à la recherche d'un emploi