Since this is a listening and comprehension exercise, I can't solve it for you. But I can give you some tips so you can solve it for yourself.
Some of the most common activities in a Spanish routine are the following:
Despertarse Wake up
Levantarse Get up
Bañarse Take a bath
Cepillarse los dientes Brushing teeth
Desayunar Have a breakfast
Ir a trabajar Go to work
Almorzar Have lunch
Ir al gimnasio Go to the gym
Preparar la cena Make dinner
Mirar televisión Watch TV
Limpiar la casa Clean the house
What you should do is try to identify some of these activities and link them to the corresponding people.
1. Describen
2. Dependes
3. Parte
4. Trabajan
5. Necesito
6. Corren
7. Aprendemos
1. Estoy
2. Vivimos
3. Aprende
4. Corres
5. Barren
6. Cocina
7. Permito
8. Lavan
9. Asisten
10. Completan
<u>Some people want to be famous.</u>
Nouns require agreement in gender and number. Personas is feminine and plural, so "some" needs to be feminine and plural.
<u>No man wants to go to that movie.</u>
Hombre is singular and masculine.
<u>I don't know anything.</u>
"I don't know (lit. nothing) anything" vs. "I don't know something"
<u>I never read books.</u>
Words to describe how often something is done go before the verb.
<u>Some girls dance.</u>
M/F and # agreement
¿ Esperan el autobús los estudiantes?