Organs are organised into organ systems. An organ system is a group of organs that work together to do a job. The circulatory system includes the heart, veins and arteries. Its function is to transport substances in the blood, around the body.
Use of subordinate clauses is more of a grammatical thing, and if the writer is not sure if a sentence is correct he/she may ask a peer reviewer to edit or comment on it. However, the body of the essay is a standard for every essay assigned and it should be much easier for the writer to tell if he/she is following the rules.
Hey there!
A concrete noun is something people can see, touch, or basically use sense with.
Dog - This answer should be correct because you can use your senses with a dog. You can touch a dog with your hands and use your sense of touch.
Steve - This is a proper noun because this is a name of a person.
Wall - This is a common noun because it is just a thing/object.
Monica - This will also be a proper noun because it is someone's name.
Your final answer will be option A.
"Dog" is the concrete noun.
Hope this helps you.
Have a great day!
DR. Reefy's was an old man with white beard and had a big nose and hands. The woman he married to was very young and dark looking but to many people's eyes she was very gorgeous. The people were curious because why she married the Doctor she was young and beautiful while the Doctor was an old man.